Detalji o spotu

Spoter Nemanja 8.32
Primećen u Niš, Serbia
Datum 2024-06-20 18:38

Unfortunately only 10,are accepting here. What an monster of V8 Carbon roof, splitters,( unfortunately broken from the front) I don't remember a car Fascinated me like this. All praise for the owners! They have a small replica of the C8 inside. I've been working on it yet, but it's not over yet, but it will be soon.


Camera model STK-LX1
Aperture f/1.8
Shutterspeed 1/100 sec.
Focal length 4.0 mm

Tehničke karakteristike

Maksimalna brzina 310 km/h
Ubrzanje 0-100 km/h 3.00 s
Snaga 495 hp
Obrtni momenat 637 Nm @ 3000 rpm
Težina 1530 kg

Komentari za ovaj spot

  1. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  -  u 18:58

    Looks so good 💯

  2. Profile pic
    SERBIA Nemanja 8.32  -  u 19:10

    [@ST22HTV] Thanks mate. He Looks, but he sounding good too. 😎 It's a perfect combination of black and red,with carbon details.. Owners are Perfect too. They was waiting me to charge my battery to make few photos.. :)

  3. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  u 20:45

    Cool first spot and nice story!

  4. Profile pic
    SERBIA Nemanja 8.32  -  u 20:51

    [@JACK888 Turin Spotter] Thanks alot my friend.Wish you Huge luck tonight on EuroCup!!! 😎

  5. Profile pic
    SERBIA Nishlija  -  u 22:43

    Straight from hell! 😈💪

  6. Profile pic
    SLOVAKIA davidko15  -  u 19:13

    Beautiful spec, amazing find!

  7. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM JJMad  -  u 18:10

    What a stunning car!

  8. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Exclusive_Spottertje  -  u 21:09

    Great spot and congrats on SOTD!! By the way, I'm back on AG after a very, very long time. :)

  9. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Carspotter-Arjan  -  u 18:33

    Amazing spot and spec!

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